How to Find an Official Football Agent

An agent is the most important part of every player’s life because they are financial and legal advisers while also in charge of marketing the player’s. Are you in search of agen bola resmi now? Then you are at the right place because we have provided you how to find an agen bola resmi for player’s career.

  1. Where to look

There are two ways to look for an agent. They are online and offline. In online you always need to check the official agent list for professional’s agents near you and National Agent Associations. In offline ask the people who work with you or others if they know any agents.

  1. Choose the type of agent that suits you

Before you choose the agent get more details about the agent by someone in online and offline. Check the agent with the people who might know them or worked with them.

  1. Agent responsibilities

An agent job is to take care of the football business side and should always work in the interest of their client. And they also need to find a player club and contracts with good financial management skills and legal knowledge.

  1. Know about your rights

As a football player, you have rights and there are organizations and institutions to protect you. In case of any complications, you can contact the Football Association you currently play for. This organization work to protect the rights of players.

  1. Contract

The contract between player and agent should be for the maximum of two years