The Must-Know Rules Of Playing Domino Poker Game!

Domino poker game is undoubtedly every player’s favorite. To understand this game may take a little time, but once you understood it fully you might earn a lot here. Every game has a certain set of rules to play with. It is best you should be cleared in your mind before you start up to avoid any confusion later on.

Let me tell you that Domino poker is just the replica of poker. To all those who wants to start up playing this game and are amateurs let me give you every detail of it:

Basics of this Game

Once you sat downplaying this game, there will be other players too as your competitor. This number may be two, three, or even four. Then you all have to put a small amount of money in the pot before starting the game. Now the turn of distribution takes place. Every player will get five tiles, and the rest of the cards will put aside with the face down.

How is the Game played?

If you know poker that let me make you aware that this game is just straight poker. The direction in which the game continues is towards left. You have to make a move on your turn. These moves can be bet, fold, raise the bar, call or even heck. Remember a check is an option available only for the first round of betting where you can stay without putting anything in the pot.

Declaration of the Winner

After you have completed one round of the game, the declaration of the winner takes place. The basis on which declaration is made is the ranking position. The player with the highest rank will be the ultimate winner.

Highest rank should have the sequence above of all the above players. The series in which it goes is royal hand, straight sixes, four of a kind, straight fives, full house, straight fours, triple, flush, one pair, and high card. The highest you get the more you win. You have to pray of getting highest sequence or higher than other players.


You can play bluff a lot here as it works many times in this game. It will make you win even if your tiles don’t deserve it. The weaker form of poker is said to be domino poker. Go through the website, to understand the game strategies even better. Here ranking remains same as that of poker, but the value decreases. It is easy to learn a new game but very difficult to flush it from your memories.

We hope we are successful in making the rules clear of this wonderful game. You’ll have a gala time playing this game. Just be cautious not to get addicted to it and quit every-time you think of it. This game is just the source of entertainment, and you have to keep it there only.