The Right Choices for the Right Web Arrangement

Using CSS and related HTML tags is not able to provide a similar result. The quality of the images on the site directly depends on the parameters of the files uploaded to the server. To get high quality images with a relatively low load on the server, it was decided to compress all the images uploaded there using the tools mentioned above. Subsequently, each new image that was uploaded to the server underwent mandatory processing using a converter. For the 토토사이트 접속이 this is important.

In turn, Google recommends that site owners take the opportunity to upload already optimized images to the server. This can be done using JavaScript and CSS.

Optimizing CSS and JavaScript files

It is noteworthy that at the moment Google does not regard JavaScript and CSS files uploaded to the server as optimized. Using compression allows you to reduce the size of CSS and JavaScript files, which may well take up less space on the server. Here it is important to learn how to correctly evaluate the work of programmers in terms of compiling code.

  • In order to eliminate errors and slightly alleviate the site code, it was decided to install a streaming project builder on JS Gulpjs. The tool automatically creates a new CSS file and removes all the flaws in the code. New files are also automatically created for all changes made to the code. In the case of, the implementation of Gulpjs allowed to reduce the CSS file size from 300 KB to 150 KB only by eliminating unnecessary characters in the code. You can also verify that the code is correct by following the recommendations in the special section of the Google Guide.

Those who use WordPress for the same purpose can be recommended to install a special Autoptimize plugin. Optimized files can also be downloaded from the PageSpeed ​​Tool. The process will look something like this:

Using the browser cache

Most experts regularly think about how to increase the speed of loading a site by caching. To fix the problem on the resource, the development team decided to transfer all static files (images, CSS, Javascript, etc.) to the content delivery and distribution network (CDN).

The use of CDN helps increase the download speed of Internet users of a wide variety of file types: audio, video, software, games, images and other digital content. CDN capabilities allow you to store copied resource content on third-party servers. The interaction of geographically distributed multifunctional platforms makes it possible to most effectively process and satisfy user requests when receiving content.

So, for example, if the main site server is located in Texas, and CDN is not used for content distribution, a user from Amsterdam, having logged on to the resource, will be forced to wait for some time to load the contents of the page. Subject to the use of CDN, the content on the page will be loaded from a server located in the immediate vicinity of the user. This will ensure minimal loading time for content.